Managerial Accounting: Cost Concept, Cost Behavior, and Cost Reporting
Pahami konsep, perilaku, dan pelaporan biaya di perusahaan berbasis manufaktur agar manajemen bisa membuat keputusan bisnis yang lebih efektif
Overview: Introduction to Management Accounting & Cost Accounting
Pre Test
Introduction to Management Accounting & Cost Accounting
Comparison between Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, and Cost Accounting
Summary: Introduction to Management Accounting & Cost Accounting
Post Test
Overview: Cost Concept & Classification
Pre Test
Cost & Expense
Manufacturing Cost
Case Study: Manufacturing Cost
Cost Classification
Game: Klasifikasi Biaya Berdasarkan Variabelnya
Summary: Cost Concept & Classification
Post Test
Overview: Cost Behavior
Pre Test
Concept: Fixed & Variable Cost
Caveat: Fixed & Variable Cost
Concept: Mixed Cost
Case Study: Mixed Cost - High & Low Method
Case Study: Mixed Cost - Scatterplot Method
Case Study: Mixed Cost - Least Square Method
Attachment: Case Study of Mixed Cost
Summary: Cost Behavior
Post Test
Overview: COGM & COGS
Pre Test
Concept: Statement of COGM & COGS
Format: Statement of COGM & COGS
Case Study: Statement of COGM & COGS
Summary: COGM & COGS
Post Test
Overview: Managerial Cost Reporting
Pre Test
Concept: Absorption Costing & Variable Costing
Comparison & Implication: Absorption Costing & Variable Costing
Case Study: Absorption Costing & Variable Costing
Attachment: Case Study: Absorption Costing & Variable Costing
Case Study: Reconciliation of Absorption Costing & Variable Costing
Attachment: Case Study: Reconciliation of Absorption Costing & Variable Costing
Template Absorption Costing & Variable Costing
Exercise: Absorption Costing & Variable Costing
Concept: Segmented Reporting
Template Segmented Reporting
Case Study: Segmented Reporting
Attachment: Case Study: Segmented Reporting
Summary: Managerial Cost Reporting
Post Test
Appendix: Costing
Project: Managerial Accounting: Cost Concept, Cost Behavior, and Cost Reporting
Answer Key: Exercise: Absorption Costing & Variable Costing
Answer Key: Managerial Accounting: Cost Concept, Cost Behavior, and Cost Reporting
Final Exam
Wrap Up
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Setelah mempelajari kursus ini, Anda akan dapat:
Memahami konsep dasar dari akuntansi manajemen dan akuntansi biaya
Memahami konsep biaya dan klasifikasi biaya
Memahami konsep perilaku biaya, seperti fixed cost, variable cost, dan mixed cost
Memahami dan mempraktikkan konsep, format, dan studi kasus dari laporan COGM dan COGS
Memahami dan mempraktikkan konsep dan studi kasus terkait laporan biaya produksi bagi pihak manajerial
Kuasai konsep dasar akuntansi serta aplikasinya secara lengkap untuk pengelolaan keuangan yang tepat
Maksimalkan keputusan bisnis Anda melalui pembuatan pembukuan dan laporan keuangan yang tepat
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